Ep. 01 / Women
Let’s get one thing straight. Women are the creators of this world. We birth. We grow. We nurture and we nest. There isn’t a single life-form on this planet that hasn’t first come from or through a woman (or a female species, at least). Men help. I’m not denying that. What’s true is that we (men and women) work together to create and maintain the planet we currently call home. But women. Women are it.
I’ve yet to come across a more dynamic or amazing creature beyond a woman. A woman myself, I can tell you that being a woman has it’s perks and it has it’s challenges. As the Barbie movie so infamously stated, ‘being a woman is impossible.’ I don’t know if I agree or disagree with this statement, but one thing is for sure - as women, we’ve made the courageous act of being a woman possible.
There isn’t a single woman that I know that isn’t dynamic and adaptable in her own right. We’re creators, we’re innovators, we’re adapters - and more often than not, we look damn good doing it. This is why I love being a woman, and if you are a woman reading this, I hope that you too can learn to love being a woman - at your own pace.
Women - may we know them, may we love them, may we be with them. There are very few things on this planet more powerful than a woman. The Earth herself calls her roots Mother, and I think we can all learn something from that (men, I’m looking at you.)
To be a woman is to have the ability to be a nurturer and a caretaker in your core. That’s why women rule the world. Not because w'e’re powerful beyond measure or because we’re the loudest, most boisterous, and perposterous we could be. We’re women, and we rule the world because we made this world and it’s inhabitants with our own two hands.
We raised them.
We nurtured them,
We discovered them and, out of pure compassion, chose to meet their needs,
May we love them.
May we nuture them.
May we, be with them. It is ALL within. All, Within.
Girls, ladies, women of all shapes, sizes, and ages - I write for you. I write for we. I write, for She. I believe that the path of greatness is within you. And it is my deep hope and reverence that I may be a catalyst to helping you uncover your own Truth. May we all, boys, women, men, children, people and creatures of all creation - be free.
And so, it is 💫